stress from workWork Life 

8 Ways to Reduce Stress From Work That Doesn’t Include Goosfraba

A recent study found that almost half of all American workers reported needing help in dealing with workplace stress. So if you’re dealing with stress at work and wondering how to reduce it, you’re not alone.

If you’ve ever seen the movie Anger Management, you might wonder if saying ‘Goosfraba’ will help lower your stress. Well, sad to say, it won’t.

But, we’ve compiled 8 great ways that you can reduce your stress from work. You’ll be feeling better in no time!

Read more below.

1. Start Your Morning Off Right

The truth of the matter is that many people show up to work already stressed. They snooze their alarm, wake up late, barely get the kids to school, and grab a quick coffee instead of eating something substantial.

When this happens, you’re showing up to work on the wrong foot. Instead, do everything you can to get yourself in the right mindset before you arrive at the office.

Plan ahead and give yourself enough time to really get ready in the morning. Consider doing some morning meditation to calm your thoughts.

Also leave for work early so you don’t have to rush while driving. This way, you won’t be weaving through traffic and feeling road rage.

Doing these things will help you feel calm as you begin your workday.

2. Eat Right

Eating a balanced and nutritious diet is one of the best things you can do to combat the effects of stress in the workplace. The good news here is that self-care doesn’t mean a complete overhaul. You can make small changes in your diet that will have a big impact.

Eating right has a lot of benefits, including keeping your energy level up, maintaining a good blood sugar level, and helping you avoid mood swings.

In order to do this, try to follow these tips.

First, reduce foods that can affect your moods like caffeine, trans fats, and anything with lots of preservatives.

Also, decrease your intake of sugar and refined carbs. When someone is stressed, it’s common to crave sugary snacks or fries. But in the end, these will lead to an energy crash later on.

3. Avoid Conflict When Possible

Look, anyone who has worked with other people knows that conflicts sometimes arise between employees. But to reduce your work-related stress, try to avoid unnecessary conflict as much as you can.

To do this, don’t go around sharing your thoughts about politics or religion all the time. Also, don’t spread rumors or gossip about your co-workers.

If you can, try to avoid people at work who are tough to get along with. And maybe learn some conflict resolution strategies.

4. Get Your Sleep

You’ve heard it often, but sleep really is important and does affect your overall stress level. The better sleep you get, the better you’ll be at doing your job. It’s that simple!

One of the easiest ways to make this happen is by going to bed at a good time. In fact, try to train your body by going to sleep at the same time every night.

And it’s true–adults should try to get 8 hours of sleep. So depending on when you need to wake up, calculate when you need to hit the hay.

Also, try to turn off your screens an hour or so before you go to sleep. This is because the light from electronic devices like phones and TVs decreases your body’s melatonin levels.

5. Get Comfortable

Think about it. You’re sitting at your desk for 8 hours a day. So it’s a good idea to make your workspace as physically comfortable as possible.

If you sit in an uncomfortable chair for a few minutes, you might not notice any negative effects. But if you’re sitting in one day after day, your back is probably going to start hurting after a while.

And when you’re in physical pain, your ability to handle stress will decrease.

Also, pay attention to the noise around you. What can you do to make your workspace calmer? Maybe you can simply close your door or put in headphones and listen to soothing music.

6. Exercise to Reduce Stress from Work

We all have heard about the benefits of exercise. Well, guess what? It’s all true.

Working out is one of the best ways to increase your energy, relax your mind, and improve your mood. Aerobic activity like running or swimming is great for this.

Any type of exercise is good for you though. And try to get some good workouts in a few times a week.

This can even apply when you’re in the office. If you’re having a super stressful moment, get up from your desk and take a walk.

If you can, get outside to get some physical movement. This can reset your mind and get you back to focus.

7. Try to Find Satisfaction in Your Job

When you feel bored at work for long periods of time, this can lead to high stress levels. But the truth of the matter for most people is that work is work and there will be times of frustration and boredom.

So the trick here is learning how to still find satisfaction and meaning in your day to day work experience. Often all it takes is an attitude change.

Focus on the parts of your job that you like, even if that’s just the friendships you have with your coworkers. Also look at your job as a way to help people. you could even try to find ways to serve your coworkers more.

8. Don’t Be a Perfectionist

Last but not least, keep an eye on perfectionism. The truth is that no one is perfect at their job and it’s normal to make mistakes.

When this happens, don’t get too down on yourself. Instead, do you best and congratulate yourself when you succeed. When you mess up, simply get back on track and start again!

Closing Notes

Thanks for reading these ideas on how to cope with stress from work! Now that you’ve gone through them, pick the ones that will work best for you and implement them today.

Have questions? Feel free to contact us.

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