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The 3 Most Overlooked Sources of Workplace Conflict

About 60 to 80 percent of workplace difficulties usually stem from strained employee relationships. This issue and others, such as ineffective leadership, poor policy interpretation, personality clash, and poor communication, are some of the most common.

There are also other issues that cause workplace conflict that no one ever gives them any attention. Even organizations that are celebrated as the “Best Places to Work” also suffer from these issues.

Keep on reading to learn them.

1. Unfulfilled Expectations

Workplace expectations are not always simple to manage in any organization. Most of them usually result from promises and pledges that many companies and managers fail to keep.

For example, out of excitement or during celebrations, you promise your employees a bonus, salary increment or even RBC dental insurance. In this case, you can either fulfill the promise, but it falls short of your employees’ expectations. Or, you can just fail to meet the promise altogether.

When this happens, employees will undoubtedly look for the person to blame due to disappointment. If this is not managed, it can lead to reduced trust in management.

So, whenever you have a particular announcement to make or promise to give, it’s important to keep in confidential until you’re ready.

2. Annual Vacation

Annual vacation is a standard perk offered by nearly all employers. However, not many people see it as a possible source of workplace conflict.

The truth is, it is one those overlooked sources of conflicts. Typically, there is that particular period that is common with vacations. Some employees might want to take time off to spend time with their children or take advantage of discounted travel packages.

In this case, you can find several employees in the same department booking for a vacation during the same period. This will certainly lead to misunderstandings and annoying drama among employees.

To avoid such cases, some employers usually create a vacation schedule for employees. Also, they encourage them to book early so that arrangements can be made in advance and possible conflicts remedied.

3. Perceived Lack of Respect

One thing employers and managers should acknowledge is that they will have a diversified staff. Employees usually come from different life backgrounds and have distinct beliefs, approaches, and personalities.

As such, there are actions, talks or even ideas that some people might find disrespectful. For example, inappropriate dressing, such as a half-unbuttoned shirt by men or low cut tops and short mini skirts by ladies can be viewed as rude by others.

Some actions and terms, such the “F” word can be common in the public domain, but some people are usually uncomfortable with them. Some of these issues are usually difficult to detect or even handle, but you can learn them over time as employees open up.

Workplace Conflict – The Takeaway

Conflicts in workplaces are frequent and there is no better way to eliminate them once and for all. However, you can address the potential sources of conflict to try to ensure a conducive work environment.

If you have any thoughts or idea son workplace conflict, don’t hesitate to share them in the comments.

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