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Why Allowing Employees to Work From Home Could See an Increase in Productivity

In the era of technology, more and more employees are making the dream of working from home a reality.

If, as a company owner, you’re skeptical to allow this to happen you might not know about all the benefits and increased productivity it will create.

Keep reading to learn how working from home increases productivity.

Less Time Is Wasted Commuting

Depending on where your business is located, your employees could be spending an average of 25.4 minutes commuting. This is the national average, but what about the ones who commute in cities with high traffic?

Some employees who commute from the suburbs to the city could spend about an hour, each way, commuting.

Allowing your employees to work from home will ensure they spend less time commuting and will save them money on gas, parking, and public transportation.

Better Life / Work Balance

Let’s face it, the 9 to 5 schedule doesn’t offer much flexibility. Employees find themselves having to schedule everything around this schedule.

Allowing them to work from home ensures they have a better life/work balance.

They can manage their time to fit in other activities. Without the 9 to 5 restrictions, they can begin their workday at 7 am and end it at 3 pm and possibly enjoy a long afternoon.

If they’re parents, they’ll be able to make it to school functions in the middle of the day.

Employees Will Have a Healthier Lifestyle

Yes, employees deal with a lot of stress on a daily basis. Making sure they get to work on time and the morning rush could take a toll on their health, especially if they’re not eating right.

If employees get to work from the comfort of their home, they’ll be more inclined to make a healthier breakfast instead of stopping and buying a breakfast sandwich.

Fewer Sick Days

No one wants to go to the office when they’re sick with a cold or when they have a condition that forces them to stay away.

If your employees are not allowed to work from home, a situation like that can be quite uncomfortable in the office. Not only is there a risk of spreading the illness, but employees are miserable while sick.

Allowing them to work from home, will reduce the number of sick days because they’ll be more inclined to get work done from the comfort of their home.

Not As Much Need to Decompress

Depending on the industry, some more stressful than others, the stress levels run high among employees.

Due to the high demands, employees will feel the need to call off work or take personal days to decompress from time to time.

Being able to work remotely takes the edge from the demands of the office environment.

Working remotely will feel like a break on its own and they will not feel as inclined to take personal days or call off work.

Employees Will Work Longer Days

Imagine if you cut off the commuting time. Employees who work from the comfort of their home tend to work longer hours.

Why is that? They don’t waste any time commuting or even getting ready to look presentable, so they rather use that time to get more work done.

Working from their home on a regular basis could have a significant increase in productivity.

They Can Work From Anywhere

Having employees work remotely increases a business’ productivity because they’re not limited to hiring local talent.

As an employer, you’re able to hire some of the best in the industry and have them work remotely. With the advance of technology, it’s easier than ever to make remote work happen.

At Garage Craftsman, for example, they’re able to deliver work for clients from anywhere.

Employers also have the option to hire employees to work from home on a contract basis depending on the project.

Happy Employees are Loyal Employees

When employees feel you value their best interests they’ll feel appreciated and will become loyal employees.

Unhappy employees tend to only go to work to get the work done because they have to pay their bills.

If you give them the option to work from home even a few days out of the week, they’ll happier with the overall company. Not to mention it will give them bragging right when they talk about their job.

They’ll Have a Customized Working Area

Sometimes the office environment might seem sterile and uninspiring for some employees who prefer to work in more creative spaces.

Even if they have the opportunity to decorate their workstation, they could still get overwhelmed by the office environment.

Working for long periods of time in the same place could be uninspiring.

Breaking up the routine and working from a home office can be exactly what most employees need.

Whether they work inside, out on their balcony, or a coffee shop, they get a break from the routine.

A Happier Boss

The great thing about allowing employees to the option of working from home is, as the boss, you get to do it also.

A happy boss also adds to the overall productivity of the company. It allows those in charge to also take a breather and decompress.

Low Turnover

If your company doesn’t support employees working remotely, it could be one of the reasons behind a high employee turnover.

A study shows companies that allow employees to work remotely have a 25% lower employee turnover.

If your company is experiencing high turnover numbers, it would be a good idea to conduct a survey asking employees how they would feel about working from home. Would that flexibility make them want to stay at their job longer?

It is worth looking into the issue if you think working from home could be a possibility for your company.

Ready to Work From Home?

The idea of working from home is every employee’s dream. If you have started implementing this policy in your office, you might not be getting the most of your employees.

Not only will they be happier, but they will also be more productive.

If you want more tips on how you can increase productivity in the workplace, click here.

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