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Selling It: Retail Solutions for Brands

Since the invention of the online marketplace, brands have to be more competitive than ever before to have their products noticed. That does not mean, however, that the money isn’t there.

By the end of 2016, American consumers spent $11.6 trillion. Although much of that spending was on services, 36% was on durable and non-durable goods. If you know how to market your brand, you can tap into that $4.1 trillion.

With the shorter attention spans and price comparing habits of modern-day consumers, you are going to need some retail solutions to maximize your brand’s success. Let these retail solutions guide you in the right direction.

From Content to Sales

These days, consumers love to do their research. If “shopping” was a class, they would certainly ace it.

That’s why brands today need to have a considerable online presence. To a consumer, there’s nothing worse than looking into a brand and seeing an untrustworthy or defunct website.

Here are two major retail solutions for improving an online presence in a proactive way.

Reviews and Ratings

Consumers live for the reviews and ratings section of any product page. It’s where they make their decisions.

Some retailers may be afraid of a nightmare consumer situation, but the fact is that reviews are necessary to build trust in your brand. It’s not all about trust either – the consumer feels empowered to see their words being shared and viewed by countless others. This gives them a strong connection to your brand.

Free Samples

Obviously, if you’ve got a brand new product out there, it has yet to receive any views. Getting ahead of this problem is quite simple.

You can offer free samples for reviews. Of course, you’ll want these reviews to be honest and authentic. Offer the free samples to some of your most loyal customers and they’ll appreciate the reward.

Making Your Brand Noticeable

Your online presence won’t reach its potential without strong branding. In fact, a consumer needs to see your brand five to seven times before they’ll even remember it. That’s why people still remember Superbowl commercials years later.

Implement these three retailing solutions for brands to strengthen your brand an improve your sales.

Your Logo

It’s not only the name on the logo that matters, but even the color and font choice. There are entire fields of psychology dedicated to this – even the propaganda behind majors wars was based on these small details.

After you research the effects of color and font, make sure you hire a professional illustrator to craft your logo design. If your logo doesn’t look good to consumers, how will your products?

Your Collateral

Physical marketing items like brochures may seem annoying, but don’t forget that five to seven rule.

You don’t have to go old school and make flyers. You could modernize your marketing collateral by branding something cool and useful, like a flash drive. That will keep your brand in consumers’ hands and not in the trash.

Your Influencers

Collaborating with a celebrity can do a lot for your brand. You don’t need to splurge on an A-lister either – YouTube celebrities have a lot of reach these days.

Don’t forget to be creative. Instead of just having them review your product, you could make some interesting content, like a meaningful video. Not only will your brand be more noticeable, but you’ll improve its credibility.

The Best Retail Solutions

In the Digital Age, best business practices evolve as fast as our technological progress does. However, with a multifaceted approach, you’ll see your brand’s reach increasing in no time.

Check out our business blog pieces to keep you on top of the game.

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