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8 Tips for Improving Your Work-Life Balance

It’s difficult finding balance when jobs demand our time past normal business hours. We oblige these requests or do so as an attempt to “get ahead”.

Are you tired of juggling personal and family life with work? Read on to learn 8 tips that’ll have you finding balance.

Finding Balance: Tips for Work-Life Balance

Balancing work and life is almost entirely mental. Overcome this urge to answer texts and emails and you’ll create time for yourself and your family. Else, try the following to help bring everything in tune.

1. Take a day off

Fifty-four percent of Americans do not use the entirety of their vacation time. This is a result due to concerns about workplace dedication and the image it may convey.

Plan and sync vacation days with holiday weekends to maximize time off. Spend those days completely unplugged from workplace pressure.

2. Increase efficiency

Plan your days and divide daily goals into small, manageable tasks. Remove distractions and tackle the hardest task first thing upon arrival. Work smarter by batching related tasks to finish them quicker.

This increase in efficiency will end the need to bring work home.

3. Unplug

A BBC survey found 14% of parents were on their phones during meal time. Of which, 44% of the teens surveyed felt upset or ignored.

  1. Disconnect after work hours
  2. Set an autoresponder to handle inquiries
  3. Use relaxation time to turn in early and catch up in the morning

4. Resist FOMO

One study found our time spent with social media increased our frustration. The cause of this frustration is a “fear of missing out”. The fear found when comparing lifestyles to others seen through social media channels.

This fear pressures people to work longer hours to “keep up” with coworkers. The longer hours bleed into the valuable family and personal after-hours time.

5. Learn to say “no”

Reinforce your work activities as the most important. Say “no” when others attempt to pile more work your way. Or, if they’re lingering and distracting. This includes the boss when they demand extra hours despite the workweek completion.

6. Add a buffer with investments

The work-life conflict is often spurred by the need for more money. Turn a part of your savings into passive income investments. One could invest in NN and NNN properties through TripleNet Gateway. These are investment-grade real estate net-leases without the management part.

7. Finding balance by pairing work and education

Shift your mode of thinking and consider the after-hours job education a creative outlet to build success. Or, use the opportunity to learn skills to demand higher wages and time off. This is an opportunity to go solo by leveraging those newfound skills into a startup.

8. Get active

Long hours at a desk job can cause ruin to your body (and mind). Sedentary positions can increase obesity leading to heart conditions.

Exercise will improve your physical well-being. It will reduce stress and anxiety, too. An active lifestyle boosts energy levels and leads to better rest. This carries over during home hours allowing you to maximize personal or family time.

How do you go about finding balance in your life? Share a comment, below.

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