agile certificationEducation 

Should You Get an Agile Certification?

There are almost 250,000,000 Americans in the United States of working age all competing for jobs. While we’re currently blessed with record low unemployment rates in the USA, that hasn’t always been the case.

So, how can you give yourself a competitive advantage over others vying for the best jobs available on the market?

For many, they’ve turned to Agile certification.

Certification in Agile gives you a unique perspective on how to tackle problems and manage projects. This means you’re able to deliver better results, faster for your employers.

But is getting certified worth the expense?

Below, our team breaks down some of the advantages of certification with Agile and some critiques to help you decide.

1) You’ll Be a Top Pick for Companies Adopting Agile Practice

Many companies are progressively turning towards Agile practices to improve their results. With an agile certification in your back pocket, you’ll be more fluent than other candidates in methodologies like scrum. Others will see you as somebody who can forward a company’s momentum into Agile.

2) You’ll Expand Your Network

The kinds of people you meet through Agile and scrum master training are valuable. These people are smart and result oriented. Most importantly, they may be well connected in rearguard to work opportunities.

Because of that, learning Agile skills through certification may be worth the cost of admission for exposure purposes alone.

3) You’re More Marketable on Paper

Companies are always looking to bring unique perspectives to their team. Even if a company isn’t aware of what Agile is or can do for them, when they see your certification on paper, it will make them curious.

This may be enough to get you called in for an interview. It may also give you more leverage during salary negotiations.

Cons of Agile Certification

Agile certification is not without critics. Below are a couple of common shortcomings naysayers say about Agile.

1) Certification Doesn’t Ensure Knowledge of Principals

Many people say that organizations that teach Agile want to certify as many people as possible for their personal monetary gain. They feel tests are too relaxed, vetting is non-existent, and real-world training is rare.

In other words, they believe that certification means being able to pass tests. It does not mean you can effectively utilize principals in a real business environment.

2) Certifications Are Not as Valuable as Programs Claim

Opponents of Agile say that getting certified does not mean a boom for your marketability. They feel many employers are not aware or don’t care about particular project management methodologies.

They are more concerned with hands-on experience. Because of that, some may find the money they put into getting certified does not constitute a positive investment.

Wrapping Up Agile Training and If Certification Is Worth It

Opting to get Agile certification and learn about scrum could give you an advantage in today’s job marketplace. There’s a chance it may not though.

Weighing that risk against the time and money you spend getting certified will help you determine if pursuing Agile is right for you.

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