professional plumbingBusiness Advice Marketing 

How to Use the Sales Funnel for Your Professional Plumbing Business

You can’t move an inch online without bumping into the concept of sales funnels. You’ve probably wondered if they have any relevance for a professional plumbing business.

Surely you only get customers when something goes wrong? Look at Black Friday. Plumbers get 50 percent more calls than they usually do on Fridays.

It doesn’t have to be like that.

Read on for our guide to setting up a sales funnel to improve your sales.

Identify the Main Elements of the Sales Funnel

Sales funnels work by capturing the interest of potential customers (leads). Some of those leads interact with the business. Then some of those interactions convert to actual jobs.

For a professional plumbing business, many of those leads will find you because they need your services. It may be an emergency and they need help fast. The sales funnels that work for other businesses won’t necessarily work for you.

Your website is often the first port of call. So you have a small window to capture interest and convert a visitor into a customer. You can do this by;

  • Providing clear, easy to understand information about your services so they know you can help
  • Using a big call-to-action button that makes it easy to contact you
  • Include your contact info in your footer so it appears on each page
  • Pepper your website with your location to help boost your local SEO

McNamara Custom Services Inc. are a great example of how to do this. It helps customers find you using Google and answers their questions before they contact you.

By the time they’ve decided to contact you, they’ve already decided to hire you.

Establish Your Authority Using Email

One advantage to using a sales funnel is being able to capture customers before they even need your help. You can do that by establishing your authority as a professional plumbing business.

Look at the most common problems you’re asked to fix. Prepare an easy guide for homeowners to avoid those problems.

Perhaps partner with a realtor to advertise your guide. Post about it on Facebook groups for new homeowners. Offer the guide in exchange for their email address.

That may sound counterintuitive but giving away the information shows you as an expert. It makes you look more professional.

Send them useful content. Maybe recommend cleaning products. Or tips and tricks for maintaining their system.

Customers will call you when they do have a problem because you’ve established a rapport by being so helpful. They’re also more likely to trust you in an emergency.

This is a great way to work on strong brand development for the future.

Start Using a Sales Funnel for Your Professional Plumbing Business

This guide gives you an overview for developing a sales funnel. Getting your website in order should be your first priority. Starting an email list is beneficial to start building trust with leads.

If you’ve had other experiences with sales funnels, please send us a message and tell us how you got on.

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